By using the filterless UV medical air disinfection system that destroys more than 99% of airborne bacteria, germs, fungus, mold, and viruses – and is FDA cleared as a medical device.

Disinfect the air for optimal breathing

Don’t you deserve to breathe clean air?
The Rx400 can help lower the risk of infection for those with compromised immune systems, respiratory issues and transplant patients, by neutralizing airborne pathogens that can cause influenza, the common cold and antibiotic resistant bacteria.*

The Difference
√ Few air purifiers invest in rigorous testing by independent EPA and FDA certified laboratories.
√ Utilizes patented ViraTech® Air Purification Technology
√ Same UV technology used in hospitals all over world

Ease of Use

You will Breathe Better, Sleep Better and Feel Better In 30 days or your money back!
Medical Air Solutions - Purifying the air for optimal breathing and a clean home
The Rx400 is a powerful, filterless UV light air purifier that destroys more than 99% of airborne bacteria, germs, fungus, mold, and viruses. Studies show direct links between Indoor Air Pollution and sleep problems, respiratory issues such as asthma and allergies, along with increased risks of stroke, diabetes and cancer. The Rx400 can help lower the risk of infection for those with compromised immune systems by neutralizing airborne pathogens that can cause influenza, the common cold, MRSA, strep, TB, measles and antibiotic resistant bacteria.* Using a Rx400 effectively reduces odors, indoor pollutants and VOCs (volatile organic compounds).
How it Works

Phase 1
The first baffle slows the air flow and creates turbulence
Phase 2
Microbes & pollutants killed or inactivated by germicidal ultraviolet light, along with odors and VOCs
Phase 3
Large particulates are trapped, completing the air purification process
Phase 4
Each time air recirculates, the more contaminants are destroyed... permanently
News from Med Air Solutions
¹Research by Dr. Wladyslaw Kowalski, one of the world’s foremost authorities on hospital airborne infection control, confirms that the RxAir destroys these and many other antibiotic-resistant bacteria and viruses.
²The Rx400 is cleared as a class 2 medical device by the Food and Drug Administration.
* RxAir® and ViraTech® are registered trademarks of Vystar Corporation. The Rx400© is an approved marketing brand utilizing the identical features, benefits and technology as the RxAir®